Back to School!

Hello All,

Mom and I have been pretty busy this past week sorting through the rooms, folding and organizing fabric and just trying to make sense of this whole blog thing.

The other night, I decided that I would try and do something fun for my oldest who is starting back at preschool this week. I thought that I would share with all of you the skirt that I made for her for her first day.

Janine and I purchased a book of patterns when we went to the Long Beach International Quilt Show this summer, because of this one particular skirt.
{Of course, as I am doing this post, I don't have the book on hand. So the name and the shop we purchased it from I will have to share once I get back home.}
The pattern was really easy to follow, and the skirt was really simple to make.. Didn't really take a long time, at all.
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